Portland Workforce Alliance believes meaningful access to career development is a matter of social and economic justice. We work with local employers to educate students about career opportunities to build a resilient, prosperous and well-educated workforce.

Career Days

Career Days

Employers show students their workplaces, share their insights and describe how to pursue different careers!

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Mentor & Internships

Mentor & Internships

PWA collaborates with many community partners to offer mentorships, internships and other opportunities for students to work with employers and earn valuable career experience.

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Careers Expo

Careers Expo

The Expo shows students the region's amazing diversity of career opportunities, along with the skills and education needed for those jobs.

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Host a Career Day

Get Involved: Host a Career Day!

Many Portland-area employers want to help young people learn about careers in their industry, yet they are pressed for time or daunted by the idea of hosting teenagers. That’s where PWA comes in.

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Upcoming Events