About 30 students from Portland Public Schools and New Avenues for Youth participated in Design Week Portland this April through a new partnership with PWA.
Cybersecurity lessons for students connect to real-life security risks for Oregonians
Recent audit findings of cybersecurity risks at Oregon state agencies are a great example of connecting real-life issues to what students learn when they participate in Career Days with the Portland Workforce Alliance and our partners in business, government and education.
“This really opened my eyes”: 3 reasons we’re thankful this week
Many of us didn’t get career advice in high school. We had vague ideas of what we might want to “be,” but a limited sense of what people at work actually do. This is why we’re so grateful for the many caring adults helping Oregon teenagers learn what different careers are all about.
Portland students get inside view of growing tech, creative sectors
Nearly 80 Portland high school students ditched their classrooms this month to learn about incredible careers in tech and creative services here in Oregon.
From A to ZGF: Students explore options at PWA Career Days
We collaborated with local businesses, nonprofits, local government and school districts in October to offer four Career Days, all designed to give students a glimpse of the world of work and help them make plans for life beyond graduation.