Smiles on the faces of students and their hosts at the Portland Fire & Rescue Training Center spoke volumes during an action-packed PWA Career Day, one of several hosted by Portland-area employers in October.
PWA Career Days in October 2017
We love seeing Portland high school students when they go behind-the-scenes to learn about great companies and jobs. Thank you to our many host employers for providing students with real-world education: ZGF Architects, Portland Fire & Rescue, Ziba Design,
PPS high school students explore careers on Oct. 11, on campus and off
For hundreds of Portland high school students, Wednesday, Oct. 11, was a day set aside for Career Exploration with an array of field trips, school assemblies, classroom speakers, mock interviews and more.
Students get a taste of real-world work at PWA Career Days
We love accompanying Portland high school students when they go behind-the-scenes at leading employers for real-world career exploration. See photos and read student feedback here.
Design Week Portland: A new kind of Career Day for PWA
About 30 students from Portland Public Schools and New Avenues for Youth participated in Design Week Portland this April through a new partnership with PWA.