This spring, we’re connecting Portland high school students with more than a dozen different employers. Students love seeing actual workplaces, engaging in hands-on learning and meeting adults who ENJOY their jobs. Afterward, they often say they feel better about their future and less stressed about college.
Career days + paid summer internships at AWS Elemental
One of Portland’s hottest technology firms has teamed up with Portland Workforce Alliance, Worksystems and Portland Public Schools to offer career days and paid summer internships to Portland high school students.
Expo 2016: Photo Gallery
Come with us on the official photo tour of the 12th annual NW Youth Careers Expo on Feb. 24, 2016. This year’s career-education event attracted 6,400 students from 75+ high schools throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Expo 2016: Exhibitors with internships or jobs for high school students
A number of employers exhibiting at the NW Youth Careers Expo offer internships, mentorships, job opportunities and job shadows for high school students. Here are a few: Portland Parks & Recreation: Portland Parks & Recreation has many summer job openings
Expo 2016: Tell PWA about your internships, jobs, volunteer opportunities
Calling all Expo exhibitors: If you have internships, jobs or volunteer opportunities for high school students, now is the time to tell us!