Exhibitor Resources

The NW Youth Careers Expo is a high-energy and high-volume event, with 1,000 new high school students pouring through the front doors every hour. For exhibitors, that means preparation is essential. Join our exhibitor office hours if you have questions! 

Get ready for Expo 2025!

PDF: Exhibitor Move-in Info
PDF: Accessibility information at OCC
Slide deck: Expo overview

 Booth Info: Each 10’ x 10’ booth includes the following: 2 chairs and 1 – 6’ draped table, as well as complimentary wi-fi and complimentary 5-amp of electrical. Read more below for insider tips on exhibiting.

2025 Exhibitor Office Hours 
Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, at 2 pm
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025, at 11 am
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025, at 11 am
Monday, March 3, at 2 pm
All 30 minutes, including a short presentation and time for informal Q&A.

If you are exhibiting a vehicle, please remember that the following fire marshal rules apply: less than ¼ of gas in tank, a locked or taped gas cover, the battery will need to be disconnected. If you do not have all of these taken care of then you will be turned away when you arrive onsite. Please note that all vehicles must be approved by PWA staff in advance.

Engaging Successfully and Thoughtfully with Students

Think about your business from a teenager's point of view. 

What is eye-catching? What can you bring from your workplace that students can see, feel, touch, do, try out or try on? Don't be afraid to have a little fun. Need some inspiration? Check out some past  Expo Photo Highlights or our 1-minute Expo Highlight Video

Recruit booth volunteers thoughtfully. 

The people in your booth are your biggest asset! Teenagers are drawn to adults who seem open and friendly. Take time to engage the students: Ask them questions, get them interested in your booth. Some students will come with questions to ask as a school assignment, however many will not. It is up to you, as the exhibitor, to talk with these students and engage them in your industry.

Remember your DEI goals

Students attending the Expo come from many diverse backgrounds. Your efforts to make your booth a welcoming space through your volunteers, visuals and materials will help students “see themselves” in your industry. 

State the obvious.  

Bring a big sign. Bring a poster board or two describing your company, industry, careers and necessary education. Add some fun facts. Students may not know about your work or company. Your company may be a household name among adults, but teenagers may not be familiar with you.

Promote your jobs, internships or volunteer opportunities. 

If you have jobs, internships, summer jobs or other career-related learning experiences that are open to high school students, the Expo is a perfect place to promote them. You can direct students to your website or, if appropriate, have a way for students to sign up for your mailing list. 

Tips for a Successful Booth

Prepare your booth.  Each 10’ x 10’ booth includes the following: 2 chairs and 1 – 6’ draped table, as well as complimentary wi-fi and complimentary 5-amp of electrical. Be interactive, with equipment, demos, videos, question wheels, etc. Having something the students can touch and feel is great! Click the red link above for move-in, move-out and parking information.

Prepare for peak hours:  About 10 am to 11 am will be the busiest part of the day. Students are coming from Portland metro, SW Washington, and statewide. A list of attending schools can be found here, near the bottom of the Expo homepage.

Bring snacks for yourself!   Your booth may have a lot of visitors, which can make it hard to break away for lunch. Also, lunch lines can be long. Consider bringing a sack lunch or snacks for yourself and your team.

Stay until 1:30 pm!  Reserve energy for the afternoon schools. Arrival times for schools are staggered, with schools arriving every half hour and staying for about two hours. Students who arrive at noon need career inspiration just as much as the early birds. Please don't break down your booth until after 1:30 pm. (Thank you!) Exhibitors who break down their booths early will not be asked back, because of the negative impact it has on students. Move-out is from 1:30 pm until 6 pm on Expo Day. 

Pace yourself on freebies and handouts.  Freebies and handouts are very popular, but remember we expect between 5,000 and 6,500 students! Reserve some business cards and handouts for the teachers and counselors who visit your booth. Don’t put out all your “freebies” or candy out on the table, or they'll get hoovered up by swag-hunters. Keep most in reserve, and save some for the groups that arrive at noon. 

Forbidden items: The Oregon Convention Center does not allow balloons, stickers, frisbees, balls, or other items that may cause damage to the building. 

Bring in equipment, "Big Cool Stuff," and other types of demos!  Students love hands-on activities. The more hands-on your booth, the better the Expo will be for students AND you.  Students want to see what your company does, try on your gear, touch your prototypes, etc. In the past, we have had welding demonstrations, CPR manikins, blood pressure activities, ambulances, fire trucks, climbing demos, cooking demos, Jenga competitions, VR goggles, etc.

“We have a virtual painting booth. There’s also a virtual welder – you flip the hood down and start, and it looks like you’re welding. What we’re trying to do is tie the construction industry to the relevancy of what they’re learning in high school. We’re trying to show them that there’s all kinds of opportunities and careers out there.” - Expo volunteer   

If you are exhibiting a vehicle, please remember that the following fire marshal rules apply:

  • less than ¼ of gas
  • a locked or taped gas cover
  • the battery will need to be disconnected

If you do not have all of these taken care of then you will be turned away when you arrive onsite. Please note that all vehicles must be approved by PWA staff in advance.  

How can we help? 

If you have a question and can’t find the answer, email expo@portlandworkforcealliance.org.

Additional Resources Lists of all 2025 Sponsors and Exhibitors Expo Highlights Video (1 minute)

Beware phishing scams: If an unknown person reaches out to you and offers to sell you the contact information of Expo participants, please ignore it and report it to PWA. We *NEVER* sell contact information, we don't give out individual student information, and we don't share partners' contact information without their consent.