Mock Interviews

Volunteers from the HR community and other fields conduct mock job interviews and resume reviews year-round. Most mock interviews take place in person at high schools or the Oregon Convention Center, while others take place virtually. Volunteers offer positive, constructive feedback that help students for their next “real” interview. 

Mock Interviews & Career Talks at the Expo 

How to sign up: Educators may request mock interviews for their students when registering their school for the Expo. We can expect drop-ins as space permits, but please sign up in advance. (Hundreds of students typically seek interviews, which requires careful planning to recruit volunteers and minimize wait times.) 

Where mock interviews take place: In the meeting rooms outside the Expo Hall.

Mock interview questions: You can review the mock interview questions and feedback form here. [Versión española aquí/Spanish version here]

About resumes: Please require or strongly encourage your students to bring resumes. 

What students receive: Students receive a Certificate of Completion for completing a mock interview or attending a Career Talk. 

More about Career Talks: These are 20-minute talks, given by HR professionals,  on subjects such as “Landing a Job” or “Acing Your Interview.” 

See our Educator Resources page or contact PWA staff for more information.